Monday, June 8, 2015

When to Consider Implant Dentures

If you’re a removable denture-wearer, you enjoy the full and complete smile that dentures provide. However, there are some downsides to removable prosthetics that can begin to cause problems over time, or have an effect on quality of life.

It may be time to think about a more permanent restoration if you’re experiencing:

Ill-fitting prosthetics – Dentures that don’t fit comfortably can cause problems all day long – from shifting out of place more frequently, to making eating a hassle. While removable dentures can be re-sized to be more comfortable and secure, this is often a lengthy process that may be need to be repeated, depending on wear and tear of your appliance and whether gum tissues have shrunk
Soft tissue irritation – Because removable dentures are not fixed in place permanently, they can become loose and rub or slip on gums. As mentioned above, this causes tissues to shrink over time. In short, removable dentures can be hard on gum tissue and cause more problems than they solve.

Dietary restrictions - If you’ve begun to feel limited by the foods you cannot eat while wearing removable dentures, it may be time for a fixed prosthetic. Removable denture wearers typically do not have full biting and chewing power, so crunchy foods and foods that are difficult to bite into should be avoided. But having to refrain from eating some of your favorite foods in order to accommodate your dental restoration is frustrating.

Choosing Implant-Supported Dentures

Getting dental implants to permanently secure your full dentures provides a huge boost for your oral health and function. If you’ve been in and out of your dentist’s office for repeated fittings lately, a fixed denture could be the solution. Implant dentures rest on dental implant posts, not on gums, and therefore do not create soft tissue problems or limit your eating habits.

A few dental implants could be a significant difference in how you feel about your smile, and how your dental restoration improves your daily life – not detracts from it.  Dr. Richard Kinsel helps patients get strong new smiles with full-arch implants in Foster City. Contact our office today for more information on trading your removable dentures for a fixed implant denture.

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